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Spinal fixation traction pad
Lumbar pad Avazo's spinal fixation traction pad Lumbarest is designed for long-term back treatment, based on the Lumbarest method of traction therapy. Along with functional calf support, this unique positioning pillow aligns the user's spine and gently stretches the vertebrae and back muscles using the cushion's segmented surface. Begin with three to four sessions per day and gradually reduce the frequency of treatments as the benefits of the Lumbarest Method take effect. However, continued use of the spinal immobilization traction pad will keep the discs from excessive stress and provide long-lasting relief to the back after prolonged periods of stress. Each spinal immobilization traction pad comes with a headrest, backrest and footrest as shown in the picture above.
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The result of decades of research, Lumbarest treatments focus on stretching the spine to decompress discs and release muscle tension. Unlike older spinal stretching methods that used straps and weights, the Lumbarest Method uses a minimal but effective segmented design to encourage stretching of the muscles and ligaments. The past few years have shown other positive effects as well. The continuous ribs involved not only create traction, but also result in an active massage of connective tissue; support and maintenance of endogenous rhythms; improved biomechanics; increased lung volume; and even deeper sleep.
The spinal immobilization traction pad should only be used in the supine position on a firm surface (preferably the floor). It should not be used for overnight sleep or for meetings longer than one hour. Some users may experience additional discomfort initially, but this usually subsides over time. It is important to use a functional ankle brace, as any change in leg height is recommended to increase pain, alter traction, or limit circulation. After a session, there will be an uncomfortable feeling when standing. This is due to reloading the stress on the spine, which resolves quickly.
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